Masthead Design Ideas:

After deciding on my final masthead for my music magazine, 'BritScene', I was  happy because it was very well suited with my chosen genre, Britpop, and i have based this choice on both personal preference and my results from the questionnaire i handed out to a sample group. Therefore, i am certain it will appeal to my target audience and will be eyecatching. My aim in to include my logo with the masthead name. For example, creating a 'B' that resembles a union jack, which can be easily recognized and symbolic. From looking at these masthead designs i have recenty created i can easily say that i much prefer design 'number 2.'. Because it includes the logo and is bold, eye catching, artsy and unique. Therefore, i think that i would like to include this in my final magazine front cover.

I am also considering the use of the 'British Coat of Arms', i could possibly do some experimenting with this design by using alternative colours (red, blue, white) and this acting as my possible logo. Because, i love the intricate detailing and the relavance it has with 'British' music.

Story Board:

Here, i have sketched a rough plan of the sequence of shots, in which i am planning on taking for my music magazine front cover. I have also written underneath a brief outline of the important mise en scene elements that i will need to keep in mind when creating these particular shots. 
However, this is only a guideline that i am not strictly following. It is just to help me think of some possible shots, in preparation for my photo shoot. 

Flat Plan's:

I have drawn these following plans as a rough guideline into how i may want to design my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. This will ensure i am aware of the possible photoshop skills i may need to learn and keep in mind when it comes to editing these images.
These plans will also remind me of the certain techniques that i have learnt, and applying these to my own work correctly. Therefore, my magazine will be appealing to my target audience, bearing in mind my results from my questionnaire, and will have a sense of professionalism. 

Front Cover:

This is a rough sketch showing my desired magazine front cover plan. I plan to have my main subject in the centre of my page, providing a correct sense of 'symmetry'. I will then have the choice and space available to add in any text around the main image and a large masthead up the top of the page.
This particular shot will be either a close up shot or a mid-shot. Allowing a main focus for the magazine, and diminishing any possible distractions.
I also plan on including a specific style of 'dramatic makeup'. Emphasizing the eyes and lips (possibly a Union Jack lip tattoo). Connoting Individuality and the typical makeup of the mid 1990's, staying in with my 'Britpop' theme.

Contents Page:

My contents page will include a similar image that will be relating to my main subject shown in my front cover. This will provide a sense of a themed and well thought out magazine. I plan on including a boarder around the edges of my page that is visible, but still not too dominating and bold. A fading colour in the background will also be a nice effect that will appeal to my target audience as it gives a slightly 'artsy' touch. Keeping in mind that a bold and eye-catching 'title' showing my audience that this particular page in what will be featured in my magazine.  This title could possibly be similar to my main masthead font type shown in my front cover, again adding that sense of professionalism and will be relevant to my specified genre 'Britpop'.

                                                                          Double Page Spread:

My double-page spread will be an interview with a Britpop artist, and will include one main image which will take up the entire left page. I aim for my main subject to appear 'indie' and 'artsy' possibly shown wearing a Britpop band top. Which is a good way to appeal to my target audience and to show i have kept to my main theme and chosen musical genre. I would also like to include a 'background' of repeated text (preferably handwritten font), possibly of the artists name. Yet, keeping it neat, simple and easy to read. The opposite page will consist of text. And i plan on including a large, bold 'quotation' from the interview, as a way to break up the text and create a more appealing interview. 

Risk Assessment:

My photo shoot will be in the outdoors. Therefore, in order for my photo shoot to be a success and to avoid any safety issues, i have created this 'risk assessment' table. This was to help me become more aware and cautious of my surroundings. 

Logo Design Ideas:

Here, i decided to do some experimenting with my logo design. I felt it was particularly important to include the British colours, as it is relevant to my musical genre. I also ensured that the design could somehow relate to the musical/pop theme. By looking at these, i clearly prefer the first logo of the 'B' I could use this as part of the Masthead, as well as being a recognizable and eye-catching logo.