This is my questionnaire, of which i have given to a sample group of 15 people, between the ages of 15 and 50; whom i felt would fit my magazine target audience. The purpose of this was so that i could get primary information, based on my target audience's preferences (which is important, as this will be what makes my magazine appealing to my specified t. a) and draw the correct conclusions as to how i will be constructing my magazine cover. I will be soon creating various pie graphs based on the final answers i got from these handouts, this will be presented so it can be clearly read.
The Advantages of a Questionnaire:
- A questionnaire can usually be completed anonymously, therefore, more 'sensitive material' can be explored and completed in private. Also allowing my target audience to answer these questions asked more honestly and feel more relaxed.
- Generally this is a quick, easy and accurate way of collecting primary information from a selected variety of age's/ gender/ interest's etc.
- The responses are gathered in a standardised way, so questionnaires are usually more objective because all of the questions being asked are all the same; therefore, it is much easier to conduct some good conclusions.
The Disadvantages of a Questionnaire:
- It's usually made quite difficult to explore the more complex issues and opinions because of the limited depth of response, even with open questions.
- The respondent could possibly misunderstand a question being asked or deliberately invalidate the questionnaire.
- A deficiently chosen sample can make the questionnaire to be of limited use. Self-selecting samples can also contaminate data.
- It's made quite difficult to ascertain the validity or truth of the respondent's answers as your not personally asking these questions, as i you would in an interview for example.