Double Page Spread Final Design:

Here, i have included my final magazine double page spread design. To ensure that this was a page that would attract my specified target audience i took out a peer assessments from selected outside people that would be found within my target audience.
Here were the results:

  • "Eye-catching and appealing main image"
  • "Good way of breaking up the text with the enlarged quotation"
  • "Effective advertising in the bottom left hand corner, perfect as it is a new magazine to enter the market place"
  • "I really like the columns as it ensures the page is organized and 'readable'"
  • "Love the large logo in the white box, it links nicely with 'Britpop' and the models makeup"

  • "I am not entirely sure that i like the flesh-tone font used for the introductory paragraph."
  • "The model appears to be slightly too serious and unhappy."
  • "Though the large blue quote is eye-catching and breaks up the text it is still quite an unusual colour. That looks slightly out of place within the more neutral colour palette."
Taking out this audience feedback, i will ensure i take on account everything that was said and recommended. As i feel this is very important to make theme changes to my final product as i want my page to appeal to my audience. Overall though, i am very pleased with my finished product, as i felt i've kept to mist of my initial ideas, have applied many important forms and conventions and successfully worked within a specific house style and colour scheme. Ensuring a professional outcome and a magazine page that relates to my music genre, 'Britpop'.